Sunday, April 19, 2009


Cancelled my driving practice at the last minute. Of course my dad scolded me. But I care not. I hate doing things in the morning especially when I totally screw myself up in parking the day before.

Why can't we just drive without going through all these processes. Like duhhh, you're not gonna drive manual when you got auto cars. That's why our neighbor south can easily get their license. Get to choose between auto and manual. 

Well, I still get to skip today's lesson so no complain. Got up, breakfast (or lunch?), bath, straight to Malacca. 

I hate shopping =.= when I start, I can't stop. When you see your wallet is full of papers, you damn happy, when they are gone, you feel damn f**ked-up. So now I'm broke. And dad don't want to give me moolah and he is damn adamant although I coaxed him that I'm actually broke before I even started the spree.


I control can? I have to pay for my own tuition fees weh. The hell... And I have to pay for the new external harddisk which cost well over 200. The hell!!??! But the latter still okay, meaning I get to have more spaces. But the hell. I hate being broke. 

Gonna starve next week in school. Anyway, ta. 

p/s: Don't judge me by my blog. Like some people who carry gossips and rumors around the earth. Hate them. Caught you, and bye you go. 

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