Friday, December 12, 2008

Beanie babies and the insomniac juvenile.

I've got no life. I'm online dead in the early morning and it isn't the first nor the last. And beanie babies are cute. Like really cute, I just realized.

I've absolutely no idea what I'm doing besides not sleeping. ''....nocturnal" someone said. Maybe. Just maybe. 

I can say hi to Yanny at 5a.m. I can blog about nothing at 5a.m. The only thing I can't do is say goodnight, because it's 5a.m and everyone knows 5a.m is not night anymore.

And still, beanie babies are the cutest plush, period. Get me better one and I'll change my mind. Penguin, puppy, or turtle. I heart them all.

Leave me a gun, so I can sleep today.  Clueless with a bonk to the head.


yuanyeeh said...

boring life zzzz

♥ tris said...

yeah la. damn right : (

Kaitlyn Emily said...

i thought you wanted that humungous turtle? *laughs*