Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let us make a scene.

Oooh yeee, ooooh yeeee. 

Singapore tomorrow. But the luggage is still there empty squeaking "... fill me, fill me!". 

MsN :3 
I've got 2 friends from Thailand, 1 Swedish, an Irish and an Indian from Hong Kong, 2 Aussies, and a Viet, oh couple from Japan : D 

Made tang yuan today, because dad forced us to. We're not here tomorrow, that's why. I made some cute capsules-like and lots of sweet RBC-shaped. Cuteee. Shiok dimakan also. 

Eee, so sleepy. But haven't pack. Slept for freaking two hours yesterday and not even a nap this afternoon. 

Toodle-o, beautiful friends.
I love you so much that
I want to steal you away,
yet surround you with 
my arms tenderly.

I love you so much
I want to ruin you.
I just want to wreck you,
beyond anything.

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